Letter Month Three

Dear Charlie,
My goodness, what a joy you are to us.  You light up when I catch your eye and I hope that you can tell how much I light up for you.  My heart just about bursts I have so much love for both you and your sister.  The fact that you now giggle has almost put me over the edge.  I just love it so much and can't get enough of it.
You continue to be a steady eater pretty much every two hours.  It is a little humorous because you can be peacefully hanging out and then hunger strikes and you are in an all out fit!  That's okay because I really enjoy our nursing time together.
You have developed an earlier bedtime and usually feel ready for a longer stretch of sleep around eight o'clock.  Swaddling seems to help you sleep more soundly.  Sometimes you will continue to sleep if I lay you in your crib or bassinet, but other nights you need to be held.  You seem pretty content just to be held, even while Daddy and I watch TV, so I usually do that.  I like holding you and being able to see your sweet face while you sleep.  You must have dreams of nursing and things that are happy because you suck and smile in your sleep.  You really like to sleep snuggled up to me and will wiggle your body to move closer to me.  What momma could deny that snuggle time!
You have learned to reach for toys and I loved watching you work on that skill because you would focus on the toy with intensity and then your fingers would begin to move a little and finally your arm would rise to reach for it.  Quite a complicated process to get down.  You have grown quite strong too and like to be held in a sitting position and love to bear your weight on your legs.  You are starting to enjoy seeing the wolrl from your Bumbo chair and that gives you a chance to watch what Sissy is doing.
I bought a new carrier that you seem to really like and from it you have experienced many new things.  You have been to fall festivals, Halloween parades, the aquarium, and even LSU's campus all while sitting snuggly against me.  I love how peaceful you seem there enjoying the view and the coziness of being with me.  I also love that I can easily gaze at you and sniff your sweet head.
This month we had you baptized and what a special event that was.  You didn't seem to enjoy the ceremony at all - you howled quite loudly.  You did like having so many family members there to smile at and hold you.  It was such a special day and so many people that love you were there to celebrate you becoming part of our Christian family.
The time is flying by and you are growing so much every day.  Try to enjoy your days as a baby.  There's no need to rush to grow up; Daddy and I will be right here watching you reach every milestone.


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