Six Weeks Old

This sweet guy is growing by leaps and bounds and time is passing way too fast!
When he was first born we had a little difficulty with our comfort nursing, but we have settled into our routine.  Part of that was me realizing that even nursing is different with each child.  He takes more breaks and becomes overwhelmed when the milk is coming fast.  He also needs to burp frequently!  I have learned to keep a burp cloth at hand because he often has milk running down his cheeks and neck when he finishes.  It sounds stereotypical, but these things all remind me that yep, he's a little boy!  Fortunately for me, nursing is now much more comfortable than it was in the very beginning.

I have also learned his cues a bit better.  He goes from perfectly peaceful to screaming his head off and that usually means he is hungry.  He will burrow his head into your shoulder or chest and do it back and forth if he needs to burp.  He often burps and then collapses onto my shoulder to fall asleep.
We still don't have a nap routine or a defined bedtime, but I have found that we can sleep quite well if he is lying in my arm.  Sometimes he will sleep in the bassinet or next to me in bed, but the best sleep is when he is snuggled right next to me.  I am working on getting him to nap on his own and feeling grateful for the sleep we get at night!


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