Fall Jonquil Festival

Saturday we went to the fall Jonquil Festival.  It was a cold, blustery day, but we had a great time.  Sarah Graves loved the kids area, of course.  

She was so excited to do the sand art.  I am so scared that she is going to open or break it and spill sand everywhere!

 The dragon slide was a double slide where you ran to the other side and and climbed up to slide again. She LOVED it!

This bungee jumping activity caught her eye and after asking several times, daddy gave in and let her do it.  He was worried that she was too small, but I found out you only had to be 20 pounds to do it.  Next time, we'll let Charlie try it out :) !

She didn't have enough strength to get going very high, so the guy would come and give her a little help.  

I think she had a good time on it!  She didn't ask to do it again, but she never asked to get off either.  

The shark slide is always a favorite for her!  

Charlie stayed snuggled and warm sleeping in the Ergo while we walked around and looked at everything.  We even signed up with a new bank while we were there!


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