Pregnancy Update

Overall, I have been feeling pretty good.  I am still really tired, which I don't remember being before.  I'm almost 18 weeks pregnant and really want 8 or 9 hours sleep every night.  That is a far contrast to the insomnia I had when pregnant with Sarah Graves!

The feelings of nausea and the bother with smells is pretty much all gone.  If anything, I have noticed that my appetite is back this week!  I actually had a desire for chocolate chip cookies last weekend and that is a little scary because I count on pregnancy to keep my sweet tooth at bay and my weight gain in check!

The most exciting thing has been feeling those first flutters of movement.  For about 2 weeks I have felt subtle little movements, but the other night while watching TV, I'm pretty sure that he or she was practicing kick turns!  I am so grateful for those movements as affirmation that this little miracle really is getting bigger and stronger all the time. 

One of the parts about pregnancy that I find that most irritating is the comments that other people make.  Those have started up this week.  One co-worker actually asked if I was having twins.  I wish I could be a snot and say, "no, it's triplets!"  Another co-worker asked if I was watching how much weight I put on.  I'm sure they are well meaning people, but really that is so unhelpful.  Apparently, I just carry large.  I think it might be because I have a really short torso, so there isn't much room   for a baby to go, but out.  I like the bump, so I will continue on my merry way. 


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