It's a BOY!

We went for our 20 weeks ultrasound and found out that Sarah Graves is getting a brother!  My feeling from the very start was that this was a boy and I only doubted it when I had a dream a couple of weeks ago and we were looking at an ultrasound of a chubby girl!  It turns out my first instinct was right!  Aaron is really excited and SG only cares that it's a baby! 

This a picture of the little dumpling's profile. 

This is a picture of his feet.  I just thought they looked so sweet!

They checked all of his measurements and organs and all looked healthy.  They estimate this little dumpling weighs about 10 ounces right now, but we know he will grow a lot in the coming weeks!  They did a detailed look at his heart and that all looks right on track.  Same for the brain, spinal cord, kidneys, bladder, umbilical cord, lips, and nose! 

My cervix looks long and closed, which is exactly what we want right now.  The only pause for concern is the placement of the placenta.  It is close to the cervix and they want to keep an eye on it to make sure that it moves out of the way.  Typically, it will move as the baby gets bigger and the uterus stretches.  I will go back in 7 weeks on May 14 to have another ultrasound and make sure that it has moved. 


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