My Weekend

I spent most of my weekend doing something for me and this baby.  It is rare that I choose to do something away from Sarah Graves on the weekend, but I took the plunge.  I have been carrying around a ot of concerns about the complications that happened in Sarah Graves' birth and how they may impact this birth.  Although her birth turned out healthy and all was well, there was something missing from it that I couldn't put my finger on.  The class I did this weekend was called Fear to Freedom and it focuses on empowering women (and sometimes caregivers) to have the birth they desire by addressing their fears. 

Let me say that this class was outside my comfort zone.  I loved it, but I had to stretch a bit.  The class not only talks about birth, but identifying your centers of power.  It incorporates dance, yoga, meditation, writing, and acting all as ways of identifying what may be keeping you from the birth you want and empowering you to change it.  I have only ever attended one other thing that was so powerful and that was Happening in high school.  It's the kind of event where you emerge transformed, but it's quite difficult to describe to anyone who wasn't there. 

I finally realized that the thing missing from Sarah Graves birth was a true joyful spirit in the room.  Yes, we were thrilled and overjoyed that she arrived, but there was a lot of tension and stress due to all the complications that came along the labor and delivery.  What I really loved is that we didn't stop with identifying the fear and we spent some time talking about what actions we could take and writing them down as a plan for when we left. So often you leave a training experience feeling all pumped up only to go back to your regular life and not do anything.  I have several actions that will be fairly simple, like making a sign for my room at the hospital letting others know that my birth is a private event and not for the viewing of all staff.  I have some other actions that will require daily effort, such as remembering that there is nothing sayng that this birth will be like the previous. 

I am really grateful to Aaron for being so supportive in me attending this.  The class took place way on the far side of town and he and SG spent a lot of time this weekend driving me over there.  It realy was a wonderful thing to do for myself and I am so grateful I took the opportunity to do it. 


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