Toddler Conversation

Sarah Graves is talking so much more each day and she says some funny things and sometimes even knows she's being funny!
Me: Sarah Graves, I love you so much!
SG: I know. (looking over her shoulder as she walks away)

Me: Sarah Graves, I think we need to change your diaper.
SG: (with a big grin) Lovie poop!
Me: Do you have poop in your diaper?
SG: Lovie diaper POOP!
Me: Lovie wore your diaper and pooped in it?
SG: (starting to giggle) MmmmHhhhmmmm.
Aaron: Did Pops have to change her diaper, too?
SG: Uh-huh (looking around pleased with her comedic talents).

Yes, most of our conversations at dinner include some reference to poop or pee!  It really is her favorite topic of conversation; even though, she does not want to change her diaper or try to use the potty.  The best is when she shouts out POOP!  while we're in public.  Good times.


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