Our New Year's Eve

We didn't make any plans for a big New Year's Eve out, but decided to do something fun on Saturday with Sarah Graves.  Her grandparents were thoughtful and gave her memberships to the zoo and aquarium, and the gorgeous weather on Saturday made it perfect for a trip to the zoo! 
Before going to the zoo we stopped for breakfast at Flying Biscuit, a real treat.  Their creamy, dreamy grits are truly heavenly.  Even as picky as Sarah Graves is, she enjoyed them. 
I think we made it to the zoo just in time for the animals to take a nap!  Most of them were out sleeping in the sun.  The lion was sleeping so deeply that he was snoring so loud we thought it was his roar that we were hearing.  We rushed to the lion area and saw he was just sleeping! 

So, we did what all little girls love to do and went to the playground!  They really have a nice playground at the zoo and she just loves it! 
She plays the bongos.
We tried out the teeter totter and thought it was pretty good.
Climbed on many slides.
Then we decided to check out a few more animal areas.

This sweet elephant was putting on a show while she ate some lunch and SG had a great view from on top of Daddy's shoulders. 
  We thought she might be ready for the petting zoo, but she really is my child and had no interest at all.  The animals were as docile and lazy as they could be and she still wanted no part of petting them. 
We are so excited to have a pass to the zoo and be able to come back again soon! 

While Sarah Graves napped, Aaron and I worked on a big pot of gumbo.  The gumbo turned out delicious!  We had a very relaxing evening watching some football and playing with sweet girl. 


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