New Year's Day!

New Year's Day was another laid back day for us.  After church we came home and made a traditional New Year's lunch.  Jeanne' came over and we all cooked together making ham, macaroni and cheese, blacked-eyed peas, cabbage, and cornbread. 
Sarah Graves thought the cornbread was pretty good.  We're not sure how much luck or money will come her way this year as she wouldn't consider the peas and cabbage!
Our evening was spent playing outside enjoying the warm winter temperatures before the cold moved in.  We did her favorite things: sliding, riding her Barbie ATV, and drawing with sidewalk chalk.
She uses a lot of concentration when riding her ATV!  She has a hard time remember to keep pressing the button to make it go. 
Steering is something that we are working on.  She usually goes in whatever direction it is aimed in and just goes until she hits something! 

She had a great time playing and loved having Nay Nay at our house.  As usual, if she's happy, we're happy.  Hopefully, the rest of our year wil be spent just like this!


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