Letter Month Twenty

Dear Sarah Graves,
You are twenty months old now and we are having such a wonderful time.  You have started Mother's Day Out at Northminster Presbyterian Church two mornings a week, we are doing Music Together, and you have started Happy Feet soccer class.  I am so excited for you to try all these new things and you are handling all the new experiences just fabulously!  You seem to enjoy each thing and are not upset by staying at school and in soccer on your own.  I love your adventurous spirit! 

A big change in our world is that you quit nursing.  I knew it was coming and it hasn't been as hard for me as I once feared.  You of course, have moved on to other things and never looked back.  That's okay.  That's the way it works and I am happy that you had it as long as you needed it.  I do miss our morning snuggle time, but I bet one day you will decide that you want to visit Daddy and me in our bed and that will be good, too.  Your paci and your blankie are still a comfort to you when you are ready for sleep.

You are officially at one nap a day and I think you are still struggling to get enough sleep in.  We have had several nights where you need to go to bed earlier than usual to compensate.  It's no wonder, with school and your extra curricular activities tiring you out during the day!  You generally like to nap around 11, but that makes for a long time until bedtime, so we try to hold you off until a little later.  You haven't had a solid schedule lately and I think that may make things harder for you too. 

You have become quite the picky eater.  You refuse most every vegetable that we offer you.  I have taken to making purees and try to put them in other foods as that's the only way you get vegetables.  You enjoy the fruit purees that come in a pouch and you suck it out, so we get some fruit in you that way.  You don't really have a favorite food as you seem happy just to graze all the time.  You do have a sweet tootth.  You went through a phase a couple of weeks ago where you wanted cookies all the time!  You screamed and cried for, "ca cas".  Thankfully, Lovie found a recipe for a "cookie" that has no sugar and is sweetened with mashed bananas and dates.  That seems to suffice.

You are quite the climber.  A fun activitiy that you discovvered at Lovie's is to bring a stool to the back of an upholstered chair and climb over.  You love to slide down, or if someone is stting in the chair, be flipped over their shoulder!  You really are a nut and it almost gives your daddy a heart attack to watch you do it!  Coloring is probably your favorite thing to do right now.  You call your crayons, "ions" and really like markers.  You generally have marker all over your hands and sometimes in other places!  We have discovered that washable markers aren't as washable as we would like!  We have been waiting to see which hand you prefer and it looks like you use your right hand more often, but you sometimes put the crayon in your left. 

 You have been extremely sweet lately and give big hugs.  It just melts my heart for you to come up to me from behind and put your arms around my neck or for you to put your arms around my leg and just hug.  Sometimes you grab our arm, put it near your face, and just hug with such intensity.  That sweetness more than makes up for any of the wildness.



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