Post Scrip

P.S., Sarah Graves
I forgot to mention some other cute things about you right now.  You are fascinated by socks and shoes.  I think because you are working on putting your shoes on yourself?  You definitely associate going to school with wearing shoes.  Probably, because you don't have to wear shoes if you are hanging out at Lovie and Pops' house, but you do have to wear them to school :)  Any time I mention school, you tell me shoes!  You take your shoes off any time you are in the car, even for a two minute ride to the grocery.  It drives me a little crazy, but you look so cute holding them up to me when I open the door. 
Before football season we started teaching you that when we say, "TIGERS", you say, "GO!".  You have learned it quite well and any time you see a tiger emblem or LSU, you shout out, "GO!"  I don't think you can read, but you recognize those letters no matter what color they are. 
You are starting to communicate ideas and not just your own needs.  For instance, daddy put up a bird feeder outside and you pointed to it and signed to me that the bird eats.  It took me a second to realize that you were simply sharing with me that that is where the bird gets food and not necessarily that you want to eat.  When Lucy had her surgery recently you were sure to let me know that Lucy had a bobo and it hurt.  I can't wait to see what other ideas you are able to communicate to me!  I know there must be lots of them rolling around your mind just waiting to come out!
Okay, I think that covers the big stuff I wanted to tell you...I could go on all day about you, but I won't bore you to death and make you roll your eyes at me!


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