Prizes from London and Paris

Lovie and Pops came back and brought many prizes for Sarah Graves.  One of them was this darling scooter that all the little ones in London were using.  Sarah Graves didn't quite know what to do with it, so Grancy was showing her how it is done!

Here is Sarah Graves with some of her new things.  She has a new bear from Harrod's that we have named Harry, a little backpack that has a lead that can clip on so that she gets more freedom without getting lost when we're out, and of course, her scooter.  She also has some cute t-shirts, a new dress, a guide to being a princess, and a keepsake for when she's older. 
Lovie and Pops didn't forget about me and Aaron.  We have a variety of things that they picked up for us including some delicious candy for me and a t-shirt for Aaron. 
We are so glad they are home!  I missed my morning call with Mom something terrible! 


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