Sarah Graves is infatuated with the iPad! In fact, to her it is a piPad. She knows that it is usually in my purse and will look for it in there. If she doesn't find it, she becomes like an addict who needs her next fix repeating piPad, piPad over and over and beginning to throw a fit.
It is a seriously wonderful device. She will sit with you and look at an app. She actually focuses and really pays attention to some of them. Plus, it gives us a minute to sit with her and enjoy holding her.There is also the center button, the "home" button that she loves to push. She will exit out of an app as soon as it opens and just keep pressing that button.
She is pretty funny because she points to things using her thumb. She can use her index finger, but prefers to use her thumb. She will get that thumb going and touch everything on that screen!
I really do credit some of these apps with teaching her vocabulary and shapes. We have several that are like flashcards that show the object and the word and the app says the word. She will frequently try to repeat the word or if she recognizes the object, she'll shout it out when the picture comes up. She has one that makes sounds for helicopter, train, fire truck, etc. and she is just in love with it right now. She knows how to make the whoo whoo sound like the train and she does her arm up like she is pulling the horn. She has also learned to make a bonk bonk sound like the siren on the fire truck.
She is one happy girl when she has her piPad!