Happy Birthday, Da Da!

Today is Aaron's birthday, but we actually celebrated yesterday and today.  Last night, Lovie and Aunt Nay came over to watch Sarah Graves while we went out for dinner just the two of us.  We tried a South African restaurant in Buckhead, 10 Degrees South, and the food was really neat.  The flavors were different than anything I have had before.  Aaron had a chicken curry that he said was very fruity and I had sosaties, which was beef that had an apricot glaze over it.  It was really nice to order wine and linger over dinner.  Sarah Graves does really well in restaurants, but this wasn't the right place to bring a baby! 
After our dinner we came home and celebrated Aaron's birthday with homemade banana pudding.  I don't care for bananas, so this is a real treat for my Mom to make banana pudding for him.  If you like bananas, this one would be quite delicious with butter finger cookies in it!  Mom wanted to be sure that he had enough, so she tripled the recipe and we now have pudding for an army!
Today was a relaxed day.  We went to church, SG took a morning nap, and then we went to lunch at Popeye's.  This is more Sarah Graves' kind of dining experience.  She loves the chicken and the biscuit.  Potatoes are also a hit with her.

Aaron has been waiting several months for mac to release the new mini computer.  It's a desktop computer and it is so tiny.  He was thrilled when they announced Wednesday that it was available.  This was probably the highlight of his birthday. 

The new, very big monitor was Sarah Graves' and my gift to him.  He has it all set up and even put Microsoft Office on it today.  It is pretty amazing how small it is and how little space it takes up.  One thing that it doesn't have is a drive for CD/DVD; everything has to be downloaded or loaded through USB.  He is totally loving it!

He also enjoyed some sweet time with this little girl.  She let him rock her and read her several books before bed. 
Aaron, we love you and hope you had a great birthday. 


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