Letter Month Thirteen
Dear Sarah Graves,
Last night I gave you a bath and noticed how where there once were so many rolls on your neck that I needed to wash between each one, you now have a long neck more like mine and Daddy's. I noticed in that moment how much you are changing from my little baby into my little girl. It makes me smile to watch you learn to do so much. Now that you have just about perfected walking, you have moved on to many new things. One of those is working on speech. I'm not sure that you have added lots of actual words, but you have added many new sounds to your repertoire. Some of them sound more like Chinese. This makes Daddy laugh and tease Mommy about the fact that when she was little, she would play by herself and speak in made up sounds similar to yours. You say them with such conviction that I believe they mean something to you. You are trying to say lots of real words, too. Daddy and I agree that you have tried to say "Sarah" before. I know there are big ideas going on and I can't wait to hear you describe them to us. At this point, I would love to hear you say, "Momma".
Your comprehension of speech is far superior to your verbal speech. You understand lots! You can understand simple commands like, "bring me the book" and you know when you are told to stop doing something. You get your feelings hurt sometimes when I have to tell you that something (insert iPad, telephone, my wallet) is not for you. Fortunately, I can scoop you up and tickle you and all is forgiven. Do you think that will work when you're sixteen?
This age seems to really suit you well. You are still taking two solid naps a day and you are ready for bed around 7:30 or 8. You love to nurse first thing in the morning, nurse for a short while in the afternoon, and once more at bedtime. I know you don't need the milk for the nutrition anymore, but I think we both enjoy the time to be close and relax. You are eating so many foods! Your tastes seem to change from day to day, but some of the things that you enjoy are hummus, sweet potatoes, almond butter, bread, yogurt, and almost anything on my plate. Sometimes you eat so much that we are worried that your tummy is going to burst! You make the sign for "more" anytime you see food and if I ask you if you are hungry, you will give the sign for "food". I wish you could sign "all done", but ripping off your bib seems to be working fine for you! You have even begun to grab for your cup and drink some water from it without any help. The thing that you do now that makes me just melt is run to me with your arms out or you grab onto my leg. It's the sweetest thing to see you coming to me for reassurance, a cuddle, or comforting. You have also begun to put your arms around my neck and lay your head on my shoulder. I thought the days when you might lay your head on my shoulder had passed; it's about the sweetest thing ever. My heart has never been more full.