Blowing Kisses

In the morning we have a ritual where I walk Sarah Graves out to Aaron's car, put her in the car seat, ask her for a kiss, wave bye bye to her, and then I blow kisses to her.  I never want her to think that I snuck off and left her, so I try to be very active about the fact that I am saying goodbye. 
Aaron is out of town for a couple of days so my mom came to the house to look after Sarah Graves and when I was ready to leave, I gave Sarah Graves a kiss, told her bye bye, and then blew her a kiss.  When I blew her the kiss, much to my surprise, she put her hand to her mouth and then threw her arm out!  I fell completely in love with her all over again in that moment.  She doesn't get the kissing sound, but she has the motion.  We were so excited that we kept doing it over and over and she did it some more. 
I have fond memories of being in the car leaving my grandmother's house and she would walk to the curb and blow kisses to us as we drove away.  I would always blow them back, often using two hands to multiply the number of kisses I blew her.  Now I get that same joy blowing kisses with Sarah Graves.


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