Day at the Zoo

Saturday was a beautiful day here!  It was our first taste of spring and we headed to the zoo to enjoy it.  This was our first trip to the zoo. 
We saw lots of birds.  Sarah Graves loves to watch birds. 

We saw a momma, baby, and daddy giraffe.

The weather was so gorgeous!

We checked out lots of bird exhibits.

Sarah Graves was a happy rider in her stroller.

This little guy put on a show for us.

What a cuddly cub!

We talked about Aunt Nay being a zeta when we watched the zebras.

This is the daddy panda.  He was getting settled in for a nap. 
Here is the momma panda.  We learned that she will nurse her cub for a year and a half.  Kind of like us!

We took a few rides on the carousel.  This was a huge hit!  She loved when the animal went up and down.  She held on to the pole with both hands and would lean forward to try to make it go.   

She fell asleep in the stroller as we left the zoo and continued on sleeping once we got in the car.  She was pooped from the zoo.


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