What a day already!

I'm only a couple of hours into my day and it seems rough already. Last night when I was ready to leave work, I couldn't find my keys. I know they are here at the office because I drove myself to work. I looked everywhere I could think of before I called Aaron to bring me the extra key. I still can't find them. I just knew that I would come in this morning, look again, and find them in some obvious place. I've asked at the security desk and they don't have them. I threw away some trash on my way in yesterday and thought maybe I dropped them there. I was about to go through the can, but the security people told me the cans are emptied every couple of hours and the trash goes into a compactor. Ugggh!
We have the spare key for my car, but we don't have another fob thing. I had Aaron's car key and fob on mine, so now we don't have an extra of his. I'm out of ideas of places to look.
This morning, I was carrying the diaper pail downstairs to start a load and I missed the first step and started falling. I caught my arm on the rail to break the fall and now it's red and sore.
I'm really glad today is Friday! Hopefully, the weekend will bring better things my way!


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