
Sunday we went to church, which is something that has caused some stress. We finally have a nap schedule that works with church, but Sarah Graves is not exactly thrilled to sit in church. I bring quiet toys and now I let her stand up in front of the pew, but she is busy and likes to talk. When she gets rambunctious, I usually take her out and walk her around. I take her to the nursery sometimes and let her play in there. This Sunday she started playing and having such a good time. When I saw her so happy, I felt bad to bring her back in to church. After a few minutes I decided to let her stay. I walked to the door and she kept playing, I told her bye bye and she kept playing, and I left feeling so sad.
I came back into the service and started to cry. Aaron was sure that I am nuts. I leaned over to him and told him that I missed her. I left her for about 15 minutes before I went back. When I went to get her the caregiver was rocking her and she was crying. It broke my heart that she was so upset.
I don't know if I can leave her again knowing it will upset her. We may become those annoying peopler who don't care that their baby is distracting everyone.


Lynsey Clark said…
I can relate to you Natalie, because Wyatt does the same thing during church. One day I apologized to an old lady sitting next to us for Wyatt screaming for fun every now and then. She told me that she didn't mind and that she actually enjoyed it because it was a reminder of how much joy children bring to her. It also helps knowing that there are other children during service too (: Everyone should understand, and if they don't it's their problem!
Libby said…
Boy, do I know how you feel! The first two days I left Emily at day care, they had to rock her to sleep because they couldn't settle her down any other way. Then for the last three days, they told me she hasn't cried at all! It's amazing how quickly babies adjust--much more quickly than their parents :). I'm sure if SG spends more time in the nursery, she'll begin to love it!

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