Letter Month Nine
Dear Sarah Graves,
You are nine months old now and you are getting to be such a big girl. You are moving so quick now. You can crawl very fast, even when you have on a dress. You can pull up on everything, you can jump while holding on to furniture, you look like you're running as you move back and forth along the sofa, and you can let go and stay standing for a few seconds. It has been so amazing to watch you perfect these skills. You love to crawl under things. I think it makes you feel cozy to get under a chair or table. I look forward to showing you how to build forts in the living room and making it your playhouse. You scare me to death by trying to climb on things. Any surface that is off the ground is fair game for you to climb on, whether it will support your weight or not. You are just like a little monkey! Lovie says that you get the climbing from me and that I scared her all the time too. I have to say that you fall down frequently, but more often than not you quickly get moving again.
You have so much fun being on the floor playing. You will amuse yourself looking at books and going from one toy to the next. You have several toys that play music and you enjoy rocking and dancing when you hear the songs. I try to sing along with them and you seem amazed that there are words to the songs. From birth you have loved to feel and lick fabrics and you still love to touch different things. You have several touch and feel books and you will go from page to page running your hand over each. You have developed a fondness for sleeping with a soft blanket next to you. Sometimes you lay the blanket down and put your face on it and other times you tuck it under your arm and lay on your side with it. It is so sweet to lay you down and watch you get yourself settled and comfy. The other night I came back to your room to find that you had turned on your aquarium in your crib and were laying on your side watching Goldie as if it was a TV in your crib. You do so many cute things! Your curiosity and interest in everything is very sweet.