More Beach Pictures
We may have over done it on the pictures. When I uploaded from the camera it said that we took 917! That doesn't mean they were all good, but I like a lot of them. Here are some we took one afternoon.
The water was so pretty with a clear sky.
Mom tried to keep Sarah Graves from ingesting the entire beach!
I gave up on trying to keep her on a blanket and just let her be with the sand.
I buried her in the sand up to her chest and she stayed put for quite a while. She didn't get mad when she was tired of being there. She just started kicking her legs until she was free.
She loves to pull up and now she tries to climb, too!
Sometimes I think she might be attached to me!
That's our sandy girl covered from head to toe.
She was starting to slow down after being in the sand and water. I love those pretty eyes!
We sat outside and watched the sun sink low and wished our days could go on like this forever.
Today I was back at work. We're already looking forward to our next trip back at Thanksgiving.