
We had a vaccine visit today.  Sarah Graves weighed in at 19 pounds and 13 ounces.  We were there just over a month ago and she has gained a little over a pound.  I know she has been growing because she has really been eating well.  She eats about 2 or 3 cubes of food at lunch and another cube for dinner.  She still feeds about 7 times a day, so she's getting her calories in.  Although all her rolling, scooting, and pulling up are burning a lot of those calories!
Today she received the Prevnar and HiB vaccines.  I distracted her with a book and she cried for maybe a second, then she was okay.  I was grateful to be distracted with the book myself!  I hate seeing my baby in pain. 
The pediatrician also brought up the flu shot.  I hate making these decisions!  Can we just flip a coin?  I worry about the flu vaccine because I feel like it isn't very well studied and the possible long-term side effects aren't really discussed.  On the other hand, flu in such a little baby can be really dangeous and put them in the hospital.  Then, there is no guarantee that the flu vaccine will cover all the strains out there this year.  Can we keep her in a bubble until March?  No, no, no that won't work because I couldn't resist kissing those cheeks and hammy lambies.  It's a good thing that I have two months to agonize over this choice! 
One thing I have wondered about is whether she should wear some sort of shoe now that she is pulling up to standing.  I thought a shoe with a sole might help her have more stability, but the pediatrician said no shoes right now.  Sarah Graves decided that she might like ths guy after all seeing how she balls her foot up when I try to put on a pair of Robeez, much less shoes with a hard sole. 
We don't go back to the pediatrician for 2 months.  She'll probably be in driver's ed. by then as fast as she seems to be growing!


Lynsey Clark said…
Wow Sarah eats alot! Wyatt only nurses 4 times a day now, which sometimes I have to force the 4th time. If I wanted to I could wean him right now, but I don't want too (:
I can't believe how much Sarah has grown so far, can't wait to see her next month!

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