One Happy Baby

Several months ago I did not expect to be writing that title about my child.  In the first couple of months my baby seemed generally unhappy, especially when she wasn't being nursed or bounced just the right way.  I loved her fiercely, but this small part of me kept wondering if this is how generally unhappy adults started out life.  I'm not exactly sure how the people who are unhappy adults started out, but Sarah Graves is no longer a generally unhappy baby.  Now I describe her as one happy baby.
I took her to the grocery store and we used her shopping cart cover.  We have used it several times at restaurants and she likes it, but it hasn't seemed like good timing to try it at the grocery store.  Today she really liked it!  She could look around and I could tell her all about the different foods.  She had toys attached to the cart and enjoyed all of those. 
I knew she looked like she was having fun when we got to the bakery section and one of the ladies at the bakery counter started yelling to her friend to come see this cute baby.  SG started hamming it up and gave her giggle and gummy smile.  While in the grocery section Sarah Graves started holding court in one of the aisles.  It started with a little girl asking her Dad about the baby and I offered for her to talk to SG.  Well, SG just ate that up having a kid to talk to and she started grinning and grabbing for the little girl.  Then other people take notice and have to say hello.  Finally, we made it up to the checkout and our cashier caught sight of her and just could not stop telling me how adorable she is.  He even alerted a fellow cashier to the cute baby and began inquiring about how old she is, etc.  Of course, Sarah Graves is going crazy with the attention and the plastic bags being loaded into the cart.  I'm not sure which one thrilled her more. 
By the time I got the groceries and her loaded into the car she was worn out.  She fell asleep on the way home and continued to sleep when I carried her up to her crib.  
Now I'm worn out because it's tough being the Mom of such a rockstar! 


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