Easy Peasy

When I mention to people that we cloth diaper, I usually get a response to the effect of, "you're a better person than I am."  For me cloth diapering isn't about being a better person compared to others.  I do think that if other people realized how easy it is, they would be more likely to try it.  So, I thought I would show some pictures of the diapers to show how they work. 
In this picture you can see the opening for the pocket.  This particular style of diaper has an opening for the pocket at the front and the back and I think this makes it easier to "stuff" the insert. 
This picture shows the front of the diaper.  Because the diaper is meant to fit a baby from birth to potty training, the snaps go all across the front to adjust the waist and there are 2 sets of 3 snaps up the front to adjust the height.  Sarah Graves is on the middle setting for the height (as shown in the picture) and I usually leave 2 snaps open when I snap it around her waist.  I leave the snaps for height snapped when I wash them and it's one less thing to do each time. 
This picture shows the insert.  They make a variety of different inserts, but this is a microterry insert.  This fabric takes a while to dry, but it is very abosrbent.  I'll take absorbent any day thankyouverymuch.  The great thing about cloth diapers is that you can add an extra insert to the diaper to make it even more absorbent for say over night use.  I think the diaper that I use for nightime can hold 16 ounces of liquid.  That's a lot for a little person!
When I "stuff" the insert in the pocket, the insert is longer than the pocket.  You don't want the insert to hang out of the pocket because this will allow moisture to come out of the diaper.  So, I fold the insert over so that none of it is exposed.  Because little girls wet toward the back, I fold ours over in the back.  Little boys wet toward the front, so you would fold it over in the front.  Now that Sarah Graves sleeps on her belly all the time, I fold her nightime diaper over in the front so that it's more absorbent that way.  
When it's time to take the diaper off, I unsnap it at the waist and put the whole thing in a pail that I keep in the nursery. 
That's all there is to it; easy peasy 
The other reason that I like cloth diapering is how cute they are!  I am really wanting some of these cute patterns from Blueberry Diapers.  We have plenty of diapers, but they are so cute!  Let's see, money for college or the cutest diapered bottom around....hhmmm.....


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