
I have read and heard from a number of sources that keeping babies from wheat gluten can really help them avoid an allergy to it.  The only problem is that wheat gluten is in so many products, even for babies!  At first I thought I would just avoid giving her crackers and cereals, but then I kept reading in the milestone section about babies being able to rake a small object or use a pincer grasp to pick up a small object.  The likely thing to give a baby to practice picking up is something that you don't mind her eating.  Let's face it, if she makes contact with it, it's going in her mouth.  So in an effort to give her a chance to practice these skills, we found this puffed kamut, which has no wheat gluten and it has no added sugar or really anything else.  Puffed kamut comes in a bag because the cardboard is inside the packaging :)
Now baby girl has a gluten free food that she can practice picking up off her tray and Lucy has an opportunity to get some extra fiber in her diet.  Everybody is happy!   
Those pudgy little hands sure are cute!


Lynsey Clark said…
I'm glad you found that Natalie! I have been searching for a good snack for Wyatt since everything ( especially crackers) has soy and dairy. This may be a great snack for him too! Thanks for sharing (:
Lots of love,

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