Weekend Recap

We have had a laid back weekend.  Friday night we made fajitas for dinner at home and enjoyed it with my sister and my grandmothers.  It was so nice to have the time to visit with my grandmothers and I really enjoyed them being here.  Plus, they were expert babysitters for Sarah Graves and I know she enjoyed all the attention (she doesn't usually get held and played with ;) )
My grandmothers left early Saturday morning before Sarah Graves was even awake!  We enjoyed lounging in bed with her and playing with her during that early morning oh-so-cute time.  
We try to arrange time to skype with Aaron's family, but sometimes it is hard because Sarah Graves has no patience for sitting still on your lap.  Saturday morning we were able to come up with a great setup for Sarah Graves.  Aaron added an extender to the camera so that it will reach all the way to the bed.  That way she can happily lay down and play, and family can catch a glimpse of our cutie. 
After her morning nap we ran a few errands and had a grown up meal in a restaraunt.  Okay, so it was Chili's, but we did have an entree and dessert and neither one of us had to get up and walk her or swing her in the carrier.  She played and talked to us for a bit and then she fell asleep in the carrier.  The next time we eat out it may go horribly, but at least I now know that we will be able to enjoy meals out in peace.
Today we went to church and our girl was "moved by the spirit".  She wasn't crying most of the time, just wanting to "talk" while the priest gave his sermon.  Not sure I will ever experience a full service again! 
After church we all took a nap for a little while and Aaron was very kind to me and let me sleep for a while longer and he got up with Sarah Graves.  Sleep is such a luxury when you have a baby who does not sleep through the night. 
I do so enjoy having time to be at home and enjoy this sweet girl!  She gives a whole new meaning to "working for the weekend".


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