Renaissance Festival

Saturday we headed out to the Georgia Renaissance Festival.  The weather was gorgeous and I was so glad that we were able to be outside!  Baby girl had a great time being with her family and enjoyed all the people to watch!  We aren't the costume wearing attendees, but it does make for some good people watching!
We did all the cheesy stuff like take pictures of ourselves as these He-Man and Shera type characters.  Mona Lisa even made an appearance! 
Sarah Graves had a chance to visit with Mother Goose and her goose, Maggie.  I'm not sure that Sarah Graves is going to be an animal lover because she was quite hesitant about Maggie.  I'm not sure I blame her!
Of course, one of the highlights of any festival is tasting all the food.  I'm always amazed by all the things that can be served on a stick.  I enjoyed steak on a stake!  I also had what had to be the greatest concoction, bread pudding made out of glazed doughnuts.  I've heard that Paula Deen has a recipe and if it is nearly as good as what I had on Saturday, it is heavenly.
Sarah Graves rode in her stroller most of the day, but I brought out Moby wrap when she started to get bored in the stroller.  She is such a sweetie in that wrap! 


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