Two Weeks Back at Work

I have been at wrk for 2 full weeks now.  Some days I still get a little teary when I say goodbye, but not the sobbing like the first day.  A co-worker whose son is almost 2 said that he still has mornings where he tears up before leaving for work, too so, I guess I may always feel sad to leave her. 
I have made some adjustments to my routine and I seem to be able to get out the door on time.  The biggest help has been that I have been taking a shower at night so that I can get up at the same time I did before Sarah Graves was born and still have time to nurse her and get her ready to go.  We have tried some different things to give us as much time with her in the evenings as possible, but it's never enough.  I have cooked several meals while she naps on Sunday so that we just warm things up for dinner rather than taking time to cook and clean up the kitchen each night.  That seems to help some. 
As far as my actual job goes, it has not been as hard coming back as I feared.  I pretty quickly had some projects put on my plate, so I have gotten busy.  I was concerned that it may take some time before I had a larger project of my own to manage again, but that has not been the case.  One of my big projects sat idle while I was out, so it was waiting for me when I returned and I was given another larger scope project.  That's good because in my opinion it's better to be busy working than to be sitting there and missing her all day. 
I think the part that I find the hardest is that by the time she gets home to me, the happiest parts of her day are over.  She is getting tired and starting to get cranky before bed.  I miss having that morning time every day when she is all smiles and fresh for the day.       


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