Letter Month Two

Dear Sarah Graves,
You are 2 months old now and we are loving life with you in it. You continue to be such a sweet baby and everyone falls in love with you.
You are still a good eater and you are growing like a weed. At your 2 month check-up you weighed 12 pounds and 14 ounces and you have grown to be 23 and a half inches tall! In two months you have gained 4 pounds and 6 ounces and grew 2 and a half inches! No wonder you are outgrowing clothes so fast!  When you eat, you make so many noises from gulps to slurps.  I love knowing that you enjoy it as much as I do and that you are so satisfied from it.
This past month you have started to sleep a lot better. You are sleeping for 5-6 hours at a stretch at night and go right back to sleep after you eat a little. I am feeling so much more rested and I think you are much happier when you get a good night’s sleep. You have struggled with naps during the day, but you are getting there. You have learned to like the pacifier some and seem to really enjoy it when you are ready for sleep. I appreciate having one more thing to try when you aren’t happy!  You seem to like the MAM pacis the best!
We have been doing tummy time regularly and you completely shocked me while I was on the phone with Mom one afternoon when you rolled from your tummy to your back. I couldn’t believe it so I had you do it two more times just to make sure it wasn’t a fluke. Then, I wanted you to show Daddy and you did the next day, twice. I have been trying to capture it on video, but so far you aren’t cooperating! While on your tummy you enjoy seeing yourself in your mirror. You do a double take sometimes as if you are so surprised to see that baby girl again!This month I discovered that you really enjoy being stretched out in your big stroller. You move your arms and legs and just enjoy the freedom of lying down and cooing. It has made a world of difference when we go places like the grocery store.
You continue to be very social. We had your sip’n see here in Atlanta and introduced you to many of our friends here. Then, we took you on your first road trip, stayed in a hotel for the first time, and made the grand tour to meet friends and family in Baton Rouge. You seem to enjoy seeing the new faces and are not at all bothered by the change in your routine.
I left you for the first time with Mom while I went to a volunteer event.  I missed you very much!  So much so that I am reluctant to leave you unless I absolutely have to.  It just isn't as much fun if I don't have you with me.
You are such a wonderful baby.  You are so alert and just look into my eyes so deeply.  I feel so lucky to have the best baby and I did it on the first try!  I am so grateful to be your momma. 


Nikki said…
water works again!!! You are such a great mother!!

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