Dustin and Lorna's wedding

Aaron's best friend Dustin got married on Saturday evening and Aaron was the best man.  This was Sarah Graves' first time going to a wedding.  She had a ball and was the most beautiful baby there if I say so myself!  Dustin's godmother and grandmother both offered to take her home with them!
Here's a picture of our little family at the wedding.  We were so proud to show off our baby girl to many of our friends.
Aaron was the proud Pa Pa as he showed Sarah Graves off to his friends Jacob and Bill.
Dustin and Lorna took time out from the celebration to hold and check-out Sarah Graves.  We were so happy to share their day with them and to share our girl.
She was having a ball listening to the music and enjoying the wedding from her stroller!  She was absolutely adorable all dressed up in her best dress.  I love the ruffles on her panties and on her socks!


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