From the time we moved in our neighbor next door has let their small dog use our yard as its toilet. This has been an annoyance to Aaron and me, but we didn't want to make trouble by saying something. In other words, we didn't like it, but we weren't bothered by it enough to speak up. Lucy is incredibly bothered by this dog coming into her yard and I feel she is right to feel her territory is being infringed upon by this outsider. Lucy barks, the hair on her back stands up, and she becomes very upset when this dog is in our yard. Now that I am home, I have to hear Lucy get upset several times a day, and it makes me feel really bad to hear her so upset.

Lucy has been really good with the baby and very understanding that she does not get as much of my attention anymore. So I try hard not to fuss at her for barking or wanting to see Sarah Graves. I try to treat Lucy with the same compassion I would an older child who has a new baby at home. Today, Sarah Graves was very fussy and it took me several tries before I got her to lay down for an afternoon nap. Then, Lucy started barking so I went upstairs to see what the problem was and hoped to stop it before the baby woke up. I looked out to see it was the neighbor's dog just as I heard Sarah Graves let out a cry. At that moment I lost it and unlocked the back door and began yelling at the dog while I held Lucy. I would have liked to let Lucy go, but I was afraid that would just cause more problems. I screamed and screamed at the dog and it just looked at me not caring. Finally, its owner called it in.

Fortunately, Sarah Graves went back to sleep after the barking stopped. As I was writing this post my doorbell rang (doesn't anyone know that my baby is sleeping?) and it was my neighbor coming over to see what the problem was. I explained to her that her dog coming in my yard upsets my dog and that causes my baby to wake up, which I just can't allow. She says that she understands (she doesn't have kids, so I'm not sure how well she gets this) and will keep her dog on a leash. I let her know that I appreciated that. Let's hope her dog will quit using my yard as a toilet!