Charlie in Shreveport

Charlie made a solo trip to Shreveport. The trip got off to a rough start when Aaron's car broke down on the way to bring Charlie to Grancy. Due to some mixups with AAA, they were on the side of the interstate for several hours in the summer heat. Lovie and Pops were at the lake and went to get them while Grancy and Gramma came on to get Charlie. What a day!

Grancy and Ger Ger took Charlie, Hunter, and Mason camping in a cabin at Jellystone! Fun to have cousin time and pool time!

He and. Grancy had some time just the two of them too!

Grandaddy and MiMi drove Char back to the lake and we spent an evening with them!

Fun to get a short visit in with them! This was their first time to visit the lake during the summer!



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