Preparing for Christmas!

It was action packed doing lots of fun things during the Christmas season!
The eves brought chocolate advent calendars that were a big hit!

We had a great time decorating the tree and making the house feel festive for the holiday!

Rainbow Bobby and Elfa Claire made some fun appearances!

We hosted a fun dinner and gift exchange with Sarah Graves' Girl Scout friends!

Sarah Graves and I helped Livy celebrate turning 8 with her school friends and a slime party!

We had a cold but fun visit to Holiday in the Park! Lights and decorations all around felt magical and festive. 

It was a quick weekend trip, but we had a nice visit with Gramma and Grancy. 
Couldn't have a road trip without a trip to Bucee's!

This was a really short trip, but so good to see them at the holidays!

The kids love visiting the Battery during the holidays. It is a fun night out with Nay and Livy seeing the lights and enjoying time together. 

It was freezing cold but we had to stop for Jenny's Ice Cream!

Charlie and I had a fun time backing his favorite chocolate chip cookies. 

We had a great night ice skating in a beautiful setting and timed it perfectly between rain showers! The skates were terribly uncomfortable but the lights and festive crowd made it fun. The best part was the fun dinner at Bocca de Beppo after!

We took Lucy to visit Santa Paws. She did great!

There was also gingerbread house decorating. The kids are quite independent doing it now. 

Sissy didn't mess around with waiting for icing to dry to attach the dormer and chimney. She went straight for the hot glue!

Sis and I had fun baking some cutout sugar cookies. These were just for our enjoyment and there was no pressure on how they looked which made it much more fun!

We do a lot of make sweet memories and enjoy the holidays! I hope the kids will remember these fun times and continue to look forward to doing them. 


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