Travel with Daddy

Aaron and the kids spent ten days in Shreveport. Aaron worked from there while the kids spent extra time with family there. It worked out for them to be there on Father's Day, so we celebrated together before they left. 
We thoroughly enjoyed seeing Top Gun! Such a good movie!

The kids gave Aaron and Pops their cards before they headed out. 

They enjoyed spending Father's Day with Grandaddy seeing his land, the oil wells, fields of sunflowers. 

Swimming in Grandaddy and MiMi's pool is a highlight!

Sissy and Hunter have a special bond.

Always silly!

Cousin time!

Dinner with Uncle Mike and Aunt Gwen.

They had a good visit with Pa Paw! Grancy said he really enjoyed having them. Charlie helped him with his computer and Aaron helped him with some chores. At 98, he is still active and doing a lot on his own. 

They also spent an afternoon with Uncle Les and Aunt Barbara. 

So glad they had lots of time with family! I kept busy while they were gone, but I sure was happy to have them back!



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