Ringing in 2021

One good thing about having traditions where you stay home with family for holidays is that social distancing doesn't change your plans!

Feeling pretty wearing an outfit that was a gift from Charlie. 

Loving some slime gloop play!

Fun for this guy too!

Italian themed dinner!

The crackers were a fun addition!

Sporting the crowns that came in the cracker snaps!

Time for fun and cuddles. 

A scavenger hunt sent the kids all around the house. They ended up with a can of silly string.

We played a candy bar swap game! Who doesn't love to unwrap a candy bar?

Then, we were on to the Saran Wrap ball! This year it was filled with scratch off tickets!

Here's to 2021! While we had much to be grateful for in 2020, we are looking forward to what the new year may bring!

Grateful for this crew to celebrate with!


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