Home Again and Tree Decorating

When a teacher at school tested positive for COVID, the administration opted to close school a week early for the holidays.  Not sure what would make the kids happy, we had the idea they could visit family in Shreveport and have the chance to spend time with them during the holidays. That turned out to be a great choice! The kids had a blast and loved being with their grandparents, cousins, and aunts and uncles. So glad they had the chance to go, but we missed them a lot!
I think Lucy was excited to have them back and receive all the belly rubs!

Upon coming home, the kids were excited to get our traditions going and decorate the tree!
Deciding who will put the star on is frequently fraught with argument and hurt feelings. This year, Sarah Graves was very generous and off the bat offered to let Charlie do it. Her payment was a sweet and very sincere hug from Charlie. 

I think he was a little nervous being so high up on the ladder to put the star on!

I love the glow of the tree and it is so nice to be home all the time to enjoy the tree!



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