Family Basketball

Our priest made a video to keep connection with everyone and in it she noted the the basketball goals at the school/church would be a way to come to a familiar and loved space and enjoy ourselves while social distancing. I didn't expect Aaron to get on the idea, but he did and the kids were eager to go somewhere! As it turns out, a beautiful spring day and outdoor games was perfect for us.
Who knew Sarah Graves is interested in playing basketball!

Charlie was all about it!

Charlie is prone to minor injuries and gets upset when he thinks he isn't winning...but there was lots of laughter for all! Lots of laughing at our own lack of skills in basketball and four-square! Lots of laughing at each other as we tried to be competitive, but it just wasn't happening! 

What a fun morning we had being together in the midst of so much uncertainty and change. I am so grateful for this family that Aaron and I have created and so glad we can be together!

Time to enjoy the rest of that gorgeous day working in the backyard!


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