Day by Day
Days seem to stretch one into the next. School work was assigned by teachers, so I didn't have to come up with activities for the kids. There were assignments for reading, writing, math, Spanish, science/social studies, and even specials! Daily videos from sweet teachers made a big difference. Aaron and I became tech support as we worked to get new apps and access to online drives setup on the kids' iPads. Thank goodness Daddy knows so much about that!
Charlie is a shutter bug and captures pictures of his daily activities to share with his friends and teachers!
STEM activity
We even attended chapel via video! We love hearing Chaplain Porter Cade's homily and I think we all felt a little more at peace afterward.
Journal entries were done and a chance to practice newly discovered drawing skills!
Charlie found joy when his beloved Spanish teacher, Ms. Marta, did a video chat for Spanish class! Seeing his classmates brought him great joy! He loved it so much he managed to do video chats with other friends spending several hours playing legos, having a snack, and even playing video games together! Where there is a will there is a way! We are so grateful for all this technology helping us be together apart.
The reality of missing out on long anticipated activities like a Girl Scouts campout and going to Girls on the Run had Sarah Graves feeling down, I keep having to remind myself that the people who need the most love often ask for it in the worst ways.