New Bikes!

Charlie's bike was broken and Sarah Graves outgrew her bike. We went into Wal-Mart to pick up sunscreen on our way to the lake, then I suggested we look at bikes to see what sizes they needed, and then we picked up new bikes!
That's how things go when your mom is crazy and your dad loves you enough to go along with it!
Yep, we bought a bike carrier too!

The kids were so surprised and excited to get new bikes! The timing was perfect because they had a week to be at the lake where they have a flatter area to ride. 
 Good thing we bought helmets! Within a few minutes of Charlie riding his bike he went over a retaining wall and fell several feet. Aaron was able to jump down and lift him up. He wasn't injured and got back on pretty quick!

Then, the next day Sarah Graves went over at a different point and fell even further! Charlie was the first one to get to her and pulled the bike off of her. He started crying he was so scared something was bad wrong. Fortunately Sarah Graves only scraped up the length of her leg and broke the gear piece on her bike. Pops had to go through the neighbors' yard to get her and the bike out! 

It is so beautiful to see!


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