Makos versus Hammerheads

The last meet of the season was a home meet against the other Smyrna Sharks team, the Hammerheads! It was a chance to see the friends who are assigned to the other team and nice to be at a home meet.
Loving having all these boys to play with!

Ready to swim one more time.

Doing the backstroke

Aaron was bullpen dad for Charlie's age group.

Charlie and his buddy Ellie. They enjoy playing together while they wait for their big sisters!

One last event line up!

Lovie came back again to cheer them on!

Sarah Graves enjoyed cheering when she wasn't swimming.

The kids had a great season! Their coaches and friends made it a lot of fun to go to practice and work hard and try their best at the meets! I love that they enjoyed swimming and are even talking about doing it again!


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