Parade Day!

We wanted the kids to experience going to a Mardi Gras parade and this year it worked out that they had a 3-day weekend for President's Day and it was the same weekend that grandaddy and mi mi rode in their Mardi Gras parade!

Lovie did an awesome job making them Mardi Gras shirts!

It is a really, really long drive to Shreveport, but these two were troopers and pretended to take their babies to Disney during the ride.

Charlie fell asleep on the way and continued to snooze even with all the pre-parade fun going on around us!

Sissy immediately fell into the groove and decided she needed her face painted.

Grandaddy and MiMi arranged for us to stand with someone they know and it was a lot of fun! They had a great setup and welcomed us warmly to the parade!
Tricky as everyone calls him, used to be a DJ and he gave a running commentary throughout the parade that included line dancing before the parade started, introducing us to the royalty floats, thanking our police, fire, and military, and keeping us laughing throughout! The kids had a ball!

Grandaddy and Mi Mi were mad scientists!

Charlie woke up and he was ready for parade fun! Catching a moon pie was a big treat!

The perfect float for Charlie!

Some of our parade loot!

Lovie made the kids these cute bags for catching throws. Charlie's said, "watch out! I'm a bead bandit"

Sarah Graves' bag said "Throw me something mister"

These kids had a fantastic first parade experience! I'm afraid they are now ruined for parades that don't include lots of music, dancing, and catching all sorts of stuff!


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