And We All Fall Down

Just after my birthday, I got a call at work that SG wasn't feeling well. By the time I got in touch with the nurse, she had already thrown up in class. Poor kid was feeling rotten. I asked if she was embarrassed and she just said, "it was SO awkward!"

I implemented and enforced hand washing and started wiping things down in hopes that we wouldn't all get it. That wasn't to be. By Tuesday night I had it and by Wednesday afternoon Charlie had it. We thought Aaron might avoid it, but no. Just when we thought we could get back to normal, Aaron got it on Saturday night. Good times at our house!

Then, SG woke up with her ear hurting. We had a long night, but in the morning we headed to the minute clinic and got her set up with an antibiotic. She was a real trooper and wanted to go to school after. Thank goodness for Lovie, she came to my office and picked SG up and brought her to school.

Hoping we will all be well for Valentine's Day!


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