Fun Run 2016

I am so behind on here! It took a lot to get ready for the holidays and I just couldn't fit everything in! I decided to save blogging for when I had time to really do it! So, back in November we went to the kids' fun run at school! Livy came with us, too!

Sissy and her good buddy, Caroline.

Sissy, Jillian, and Caroline

A little time to play on the playground before the race!

Just goofing around with his favorite cousin.

Charlie and his buddy, Miles.

Catherine, Miles, and Charlie ready for warmups!

Just climbing around waiting for the big kids to have their races.

Showing off her tattoo and St. B's sunglasses.

After last year's 2nd place finish, Sissy gave it her all! She didn't place, but she had fun trying.

Charlie was pretty excited to get his medal!

Sissy was disappointed she didn't place, but she handled it well and was pleased with her medal for participating. 

We had fun seeing school friends and their parents. It is a fun community event. 


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