Easter Sunday
The Easter bunny came! He brought a doll carrier, summer pjs, sunglasses, movie, prizes and candy! The bunny bait they left out for him must have worked!
Here's a pic of the eggs the kids dyed. They used paint, glitter, and markers to decorate them!
Charlie did not want to take a picture so our sweet girl got Lovie and Pops all to herself.
He came around in time for a family picture! I love them so.
Charlie got into his chocolate bunny first thing!
Sissy was so proud to check out her new doll carrier!
After a pleasant morning we made it to church just in time to flower the cross.
After the service the kids had another Easter egg hunt. There was a good chance of rain so they set it up inside.
Since our church has the kids hunt for eggs looking for eggs numbered 1 - 12, it works out okay to have them inside. Once the kids get all 12 eggs they turn them in for a treat.
After church Charlie had a rough time and just had a lot of big feelings. Playing with Pops was the only time he was happy all afternoon.
Sissy loved the chance to show Lovie her new Easter prizes!Here's a pic of the eggs the kids dyed. They used paint, glitter, and markers to decorate them!
Charlie did not want to take a picture so our sweet girl got Lovie and Pops all to herself.
He came around in time for a family picture! I love them so.
We had ham, a twice baked cauliflower casserole, grits, rolls, and deviled eggs for lunch. The part I was excited about were the desserts. I made iced bunny cookies, jello jigglers, and a blueberry pie. I thought it was all delicious!
We had a relaxed day enjoying time together to celebrate God's love for us!
We were disappointed Jeanne' and Olivia couldn't be there, but Livy was feeling rotten with a stomach virus. The kids really missed her and thought it wasn't the same without her.