All Her Babies

Sarah Graves loves her babies and loves to spend time telling me their ages (she has teenagers, kids, preschoolers, and babies), what they do at school, and very detailed descriptions of their clothes and accessories! She really cares about them and even brings Charlie into the fun as the dad.

Here she is with all of them dressed for bed. In her lap is her first love, Kate. Kate can be a baby or preschooler depending on the day. Next to Kate is her newest doll, Lea. Lea is often one of the teenagers. Next to Lea is snack 'n Sara (aka Kaylie). She is usually a preschooler. In front are the twins, Belle and Cindy. They can be preschoolers. And next to them is Grace. Grace is a 10-year old who can also be a teenager! Not in the picture is her baby Bevie who can take real baths and that makes her pretty special and prone to wetting her diaper!

I loved dolls as a kid and it makes me happy that she loves hers so much. Even if all the clothes and constantly waiting for her to pack a diaper bag drives me crazy!


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