Letter Month Twenty-Three
You are a
ball of energy with amazing ideas and the ability to make connections that
surprise me. I recently called you to
come to the dinner table and you never looked up from what you were doing in
your play kitchen and said, “I’m working; I’m working!” I took that as a hint that you were occupied
and not interested in eating our food!

You are a consistent sleeper taking a nap in the afternoon for a couple of hours and going to bed in the evening and sleeping for ten to eleven hours. You enjoy nursing in the morning, at bedtime, and any time in between that you feel the need! You are a solid eater as well. You enjoy fruit the most, followed by broccoli, then meat, especially sausage! You also like pancakes and waffles a lot. You have come around and no longer seem to fight diaper changes as much as you did several months ago.
The kitchen remains one of your most favorite things to play with. You also love to go outside and play with Play-Doh and often request to blow bubbles. You can actually hold the wand and manage to blow a few bubbles on your own.
You are a sweet guy and are your happiest when we are together having time to hang out. You still like to be cuddled and rocked at bedtime. You are so excited to see me and your sister in the evenings. You often come running saying, "Mommy! Mommy!" It is by far one of the best feelings of the day! You like to be with me and Daddy. Separating to stay at Lovie's can be hard and Daddy feels bad leaving you. You are okay once he is gone, but you hang on to him as long as he is in sight. We wish we could all stay together too.
You continue to amaze us and surprise us with the things you know and do. You are sweet and show lots of affection. The light in your eyes and your sheepish grin are so precious. I feel lucky to call you my little boy.