Another Day of Fun

Sunday was a turning point for Charlie and he found some fun with Aunt Lex.  He hasn't been himself for weeks and finally, on Sunday some games really made him laugh.  Apparently, being carried around in a laundry basket while Alexis talks in a voice that reminds me of Chef on South Park made him laugh hysterically.  He did not want this game to end!

Our attempt at a picture of all three of them was not super-successful.  

She did get some laughing going for Charlie!

I was so happy that Alexis got to see Sarah Graves process into church from Children's Chapel carrying in the cross and wearing the robe.  Sarah Graves just beams when she has a chance to do this!  

After church we enjoyed a lovely brunch with Lovie and Pops.  We had more time for play-doh fun before it was time for us o take Aunt Lex back to the airport.  

We had so much fun having her here with us.  It was good for my spirit and Sarah Graves loved it.  We are so thankful that she made the effort to come see us!  


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