Her "Actual" Birthday

Sarah Graves' birthday fell on a Tuesday and Aaron had an event at work that evening, so Lovie and Pops went with us to the restaurant of her choice, McDonald's.  Lovie made her a birthday cake for her actual birthday and we sang and blew out the candles, then opened her presents from Lovie and Pops.

Charlie quickly remembered his love affair with cake!

She was quite pleased to get her french fries and enjoyed playing on the indoor play area.  Charlie joined her in the climbing structure and she was so sweet to him.  He got scared once he climbed up and would stop and call out, "Momma!"  She would sweetly encourage him by saying, "It's okay, Charlie.  Sissy is here.  You are one year old.  You can do it!"  She really is a four-year-old girl looking out for her little brother!


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