Fall Color
Sissy and I have been trying a new routine where we get to work and school between 7 and 7:30 and I pick her up around 4:30. Leaving earlier means we don't spend the 10-15 minutes waiting in the parking garage (imagine 5,000 people trying to leave at roughly the same time from 3 exits) and we get a few minutes together before Aaron and Charlie make their way home. It has worked out well for us! It does require me to be very organized in the mornings, but I can do it.
Sarah Graves took notice of the vibrant color and was really excited to see the leaves change. A day or so after these pictures a storm with a lot of wind came through and the tree was bare. She was a little disappointed, but we explained that the leaves will come back in spring. Funny how much we take for granted the little things that grownups know.