Letter Month Eight
Dear Charlie,
One day quickly fades into the next and here we are with you eight months old. Lately I have found myself remembering how I felt this time a year ago as your Dad and I anxiously prepared our family to include you. It is sometimes hard to believe that you are now hear and bursting with enthusiasm for life.
You started this month off by cutting your first tooth! In the midst of us all having viruses and the flu, I felt your gums to find the very beginnings of a tooth pushing through. It can now easily be seen and boy is it sharp! I felt the sting of that tooth while you were nursing and decided to chew a little! You look up and smile at me when I start to panic that you are going to bite me! You are working on cutting another tooth on the bottom, too.
You are starting to get into eating solid foods. You enjoy the cereal and the yellow veggies. Fruits still seem like something that you are not real keen on, but I'm sure you will get there. You have even tried some nibbles of beef, chicken, and fish. You seem to like those, but having only one tooth limits your ability to eat meat. When we go out to eat, you love mum mums! I'm sure it is fun to have food that you can easily hold, dissolves in your mouth, and makes a fun paste to smear on anything you touch. You still nurse often, probably eight to ten times a day. Sometimes I know you are all boy because nursing you is like wrestling an alligator. You are thrashing around and can't seem to relax and settle in to feed. Other times, especially in the evening and early mornings, it is so sweet to snuggle you close and feel your hand reach me. Those are the moments that I am addicted to. You seem to soothe yourself by scratching your fingers against something in a rhythmic sort of way. You do it on your crib sheet and you definitely do it on me while nursing.
This month we have been reminded that you really do not enjoy taking medicine of any kind. You had a virus with a high fever and that was followed by ear infections that required two rounds of antibiotics to clear up. We must have gotten enough of the medicine in you because your ears cleared up and you seem to be doing well now. I hope we don't have to do that again soon!
Sleep is still a challenge with you. You do not have a daytime nap schedule at all and you are ready for the early bedtime, but often have a hard time going to sleep. Your dad is better at getting you to sleep than I am. You like your paci when you are sleepy and patting your back seems to help you as you lay there trying to go to sleep. Most nights, you wake up soon after going to sleep and need help soothing yourself back to sleep and then you sleep for two or three hours before waking up again. Sometimes you come to our bed at that point and others I will nurse you and put you back in your bed. You pretty much always make your way to our bed at some point in the night. I think I am so tired that I can't keep getting up to go to you and eventually daddy brings you to me. There is also a part of me that really likes looking over and seeing you sleeping next to me. You are an active sleeper; rolling around and turning yourself all different ways! You sleep near me most nights, but I don't hold you as much as I did before.
You have been perfecting your scoot. You can get wherever you want to go pretty quick and seem to be drawn to power cords and Lucy! No obstacle is too big for you. You will get yourself over toys, under tables, across all flooring surfaces, whatever it takes to get to what you want. You know the things you shouldn't go to because when we stop you, you smile as if to say, "I knew I shouldn't be doing that and you caught me." Lucy fascinates you! She is patient as you try to grab fistfuls of her fur or check out her face. She doesn't even seem to mind when you try to get to her food while she is eating. Unlike your sister, you don't seem to mind when Lucy tries to lick your face. I hope the two of you will get to be good buddies.
You have a playful way about you. You smile a lot and will laugh out loud at what looks like nothing. Different sounds will also make you laugh and being tickled can usually make you giggle. Your sissy is so in love with you. She wakes up in the mornings and immediately asks to see you. You love her too and I'm sure as time goes on you will show it more and more. It is so sweet to watch the two of you together.
You really are a joy to have in our lives. You make us smile and give so much love. Plus, you are the cutest thing ever. I am very blessed to be your momma.
One day quickly fades into the next and here we are with you eight months old. Lately I have found myself remembering how I felt this time a year ago as your Dad and I anxiously prepared our family to include you. It is sometimes hard to believe that you are now hear and bursting with enthusiasm for life.
Sleep is still a challenge with you. You do not have a daytime nap schedule at all and you are ready for the early bedtime, but often have a hard time going to sleep. Your dad is better at getting you to sleep than I am. You like your paci when you are sleepy and patting your back seems to help you as you lay there trying to go to sleep. Most nights, you wake up soon after going to sleep and need help soothing yourself back to sleep and then you sleep for two or three hours before waking up again. Sometimes you come to our bed at that point and others I will nurse you and put you back in your bed. You pretty much always make your way to our bed at some point in the night. I think I am so tired that I can't keep getting up to go to you and eventually daddy brings you to me. There is also a part of me that really likes looking over and seeing you sleeping next to me. You are an active sleeper; rolling around and turning yourself all different ways! You sleep near me most nights, but I don't hold you as much as I did before.
You have a playful way about you. You smile a lot and will laugh out loud at what looks like nothing. Different sounds will also make you laugh and being tickled can usually make you giggle. Your sissy is so in love with you. She wakes up in the mornings and immediately asks to see you. You love her too and I'm sure as time goes on you will show it more and more. It is so sweet to watch the two of you together.